The award of Life Membership is the highest honour Females in Training (FIT) can bestow on an individual and is done so in recognition of those who have made an outstanding contribution to the existence of effectiveness of the club during their membership.

The FIT Committee welcomes nominations for Life Membership of FIT. Members are encouraged to nominate those members that have significantly contributed to the club, and meet the criteria below. Two life memberships may be allocated each year, provided that the number of Life Members does not exceed 5 per cent of the total FIT membership.

Nominations and any queries regarding life membership should be directed to [email protected].

Please note that nominations for 2018 Life Memberships must be received by the Committee prior to COB 6 NOVEMBER 2018.

The FIT Committee will discuss nominations at their Committee meeting scheduled for 7 November, and successful nominations will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on 17 November, 2018 for the endorsement of FIT members.


Each nomination for Life Membership of FIT will be considered on its individual merits. Decisions will be made by the FIT Committee on the basis of:

  • a member’s contribution which is far above and beyond what would normally be expected of club members, or a contribution involving a level of commitment and dedication seldom seen;
  • a member having a minimum of 10 years strong association with FIT, unless exceptional circumstances can be cited;
  • life membership not being automatically granted on the basis of years of service in a particular position, or solely as recognition of success in competitive racing; and
  • significant leadership within FIT.